Annette Mollet

University of Basel, Switzerland

Annette Mollet is the Head of Education & Training and Managing Director at ECPM, University of Basel. She received her MSc in Pharmacy from the University of Basel, her PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and a MBA in Int. Health from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. She joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1994 and worked at F. Hoffmann-La Roche both in the Clinical R&D and Medical Marketing. She became a member of the Federal Expert Committee for the Evaluation and Registration of Radioactive Drugs at the Swissmedic (Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products) and the BAG (Swiss Federal Office of Public Health) in 1993 and was elected president from 2008-2023. From1999 until 2019, Annette was a member of the board of SwAPP (Swiss Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals) and specialised in pharmaceutical medicine in 2000. She chaired the commission for specialty training and continuous education (CPD) of SwAPP until 2009. Annette is a board member of the PharmaTrain Federation (, a project of IMI (Innovative medicines initiative) with the aim of harmonising standards and scope of education and training in pharmaceutical medicine. From 2018-2023, she was elected as an external examiner at Trinity College in Dublin for the MSc in pharmaceutical medicine. From 2020 – 2023 Annette was member of the IFAPP Board and chair of the Young Professional Working Group.