Bryn Roberts

Roche Information Solutions, Switzerland

Bryn Roberts
Global Head of Data, Analytics & Research
Roche Information Solutions

Bryn gained his BSc and PhD in pharmacology from the University of Bristol, UK.  Following post-doctoral work in neuropharmacology, he commenced a career in industry at Organon, with subsequent roles at Zeneca and AstraZeneca, before he relocated to Basel to join Roche.  For a decade Bryn was the Global Head of Operations and Informatics for Roche Pharma Research & Early Development, before taking on his current role as Global Head of Data, Analytics & Research for Roche Information Solutions.  His accountabilities include data strategy, data engineering, data science, research and innovation for healthcare information solutions and digital products.

Beyond Roche, Bryn is a Visiting Professor at the University of Bristol and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford, with interests in digital health, AI and machine learning, systems biology, sustainability, and scientific software development.  He is a member of the Swiss Science Council and sits on several advisory boards, including the University of Oxford Dept of Statistics and SABS Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Edinburgh School of Informatics, RoX Health and Z-Inspection. Bryn is a non-executive director on the board of Deepmatter.

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