Enkelejda Miho
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Prof. Dr. Enkelejda Miho, Ph.D.
Professor of Digital Life Sciences
Head of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Health
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Prof. Miho holds a M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology from the University of Bologna, a DAS in Pharmaceutical Medicine from the European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM), Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel and a Ph. D. from ETH Zurich at Biosystems Science and Engineering working with machine learning and immunoinformatics. As an ETH Pioneer Fellow, she founded in 2017 the ETH spin-off aiNET providing services for therapeutic antibody discovery, and developing digital immunity for personalized diagnostics.
Prof. Dr. Enkelejda Miho is a full Professor of Digital Life Sciences at the Institute of Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics, School of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. She is a group leader at Swiss Bioinformatics Institute and the head of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence in Health (aihealth.ch). Her group’s overall research focuses in the emerging field of artificial intelligence applied to health. Research and industry projects target the development and use of advanced analytics for personalized medicine, drug discovery and development, and clinical support decision systems.