Mario Nuvolone

University of Pavia, Italy

Dr. Mario Nuvolone obtained his MD degree and the Board Registration in Internal Medicine from the University of Pavia, focusing on systemic amyloidoses, under the supervision of Prof. Giampaolo Merlini. He then obtained a PhD in Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnologies working on molecular mechanisms and biomarkers of protein misfolding and deposition diseases and on the development of innovative mouse models to study these conditions, in the laboratory of Prof. Adriano Aguzzi at the University of Zurich. He is currently Assistant Professor in Clinical Chemistry at the University of Pavia and attending physician at the Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center, Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo. His current research interests include the development of preclinical models of AL amyloidosis, the establishment of novel diagnostic assays and the identification of novel biomarkers and therapeutic approaches for systemic amyloidoses.

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