
Rahmad Akbar

Novo Nordisk, Denmark

Rahmad Akbar is an antibody designer who has pioneered methods to design antibodies. He established the proof of principle for… READ MORE
Leila T. Alexander

University of Basel, Switzerland & Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Switzerland

Leila graduated with a degree in Medical Engineering in 2009, earned her doctorate in drug discovery from the University of… READ MORE
Laura Azzimonti

Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Studies (IDSIA USI-SUPSI), Switzerland & Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Switzerland

Thomas Brenzikofer

Swiss Made Software, Switzerland

In addition to his commitment to swiss made software, Thomas Brenzikofer is a communications consultant at Life Science Communication in Zurich and co-founder of… READ MORE
Leslie Anne Fendt

Roche, Switzerland

Dr. Leslie Anne Fendt works at Roche leading the development and commercialization of one of Roche’s first Software-As-Medical-Device (SaMD) products,… READ MORE
Raffaello Ferone

University of Basel, Switzerland

Victor Greiff

University of Oslo, Norway

Victor Greiff is an Associate Professor for Systems Immunology at the University of Oslo since 2018. His group develops machine… READ MORE
Gabriele Gut

University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland

Dr. Gabriele Gut is an expert in the field of personalised oncology and AI-driven healthcare solutions, with a strong background… READ MORE
Abdullah Kahraman

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) & Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), Switzerland

Dr. Abdullah Kahraman is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and a group leader at… READ MORE
Alexander Kanitz

University of Basel, Switzerland & & Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Switzerland

After undergraduate studies at the Technical University of Munich and the University of Amsterdam and a research stay at Singapore’s… READ MORE
Mugunthan Maheswaran

Roche, Switzerland

Mugunthan Maheswaran, Program Manager of Advanced Data Analytics program. Carrying 15 years of IT experience working  for multiple industries. Bachelor… READ MORE
Enkelejda Miho

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and aiNET GmbH, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Enkelejda Miho, Ph.D. Professor of Digital Life Sciences Head of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Health University… READ MORE
Annette Mollet

University of Basel, Switzerland

Annette Mollet is the Head of Education & Training and Managing Director at ECPM, University of Basel. She received her… READ MORE
Alexandre Mösching

Roche, Switzerland

Alexandre Mösching, working for 2 years as a Data Scientist for Roche in commercial manufacturing. Master in Mathematics from EPFL,… READ MORE
Satu Nahkuri

Roche Innovation Center Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. Satu Nahkuri is a Senior Leader in Data & Analytics at the Roche Innovation Center Zurich, Switzerland. Her team… READ MORE
Mario Nuvolone

University of Pavia, Italy

Dr. Mario Nuvolone obtained his MD degree and the Board Registration in Internal Medicine from the University of Pavia, focusing… READ MORE
Artur Olesch

aboutDigitalHealth.com, Germany

Artur Olesch, based in Berlin, is a journalist and correspondent specializing in digital health and innovations in medicine. He is… READ MORE
Andrea Pescino

StratejAI, Italy

Andrea Pescino is a mathematician and an AI & digital technology expert with a strong business background. He has been… READ MORE
Oliver Peter

Molecular Partners, Switzerland

Oliver Peter is Director, Research Digitalization at Molecular Partners AG (Schlieren, Switzerland) since 2024.   He earned his PhD in… READ MORE
Bryn Roberts

Roche Information Solutions, Switzerland

Bryn Roberts Global Head of Data, Analytics & Research Roche Information Solutions Bryn gained his BSc and PhD in pharmacology… READ MORE
Frank Rühli

University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland

Frank Rühli, MD, PhD is Dean of the Medical Faculty and Founding Chair (Full Professor) and Director of the Institute… READ MORE
Erik Schkommodau

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

Erik Schkommodau works as Head of the Institute for Medical Technology and Medical Informatics at the University of Applied Sciences… READ MORE
Peter Speyer

Novartis Foundation, Switzerland

Peter is Head of Data & Analytics at the Novartis Foundation, accelerating the use of data and analytics towards the… READ MORE
Bram Stieltjes

University of Basel, Switzerland

Bram Stieltjes is Vice Chair of Research of the department of Radiology and heads the Department of Research and Analytical… READ MORE
Thomas Wieland

Roche, Foundation Medicine, Germany

Thomas Wieland has a PhD in bioinformatics from the Technical University Munich. Over the last 15 years his (research) focus… READ MORE
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